Gimme Porn! What kind of tube site are you looking for, anyway? The kind of tube site that tries to give you a little bit of everything? The vanilla kind, if you will?

There is nothing wrong with that, mother fucker! And when you want the usual porn given to you quickly and right away, then you need to fucking visit Gimme Porn. It is here that you will find a variety of pornography that is certain to ensure that you can get in, jerk off, and get right the fuck out and get on with your day. Because that is what is the most important aspect about Gimme Porn, anyway. You don’t want to have to deal with all of the fucking bullshit of finding a video that will get you off.

Which isn’t to say that Gimme Porn is perfect (more on that in a moment). But if jacking it to the usual and going on with life is kind of what you are looking for, Gimme Porn may satisfy. Take the good with the so-so, and you may come away feeling like a happy cummer.

Over 2700 videos

If you want to go to a place that has so much porn that you are not going to be able to jerk off to it in just a fucking week, then this is precisely the place that you fucking need to be! What makes me so fucking sure of that? Because there are over 2700 videos for you to fucking jerk off to! Without a doubt, you are going to have more goddamn porn just waiting for you to get off to than you fucking know!

To see that there were over 2700 videos just waiting for me to jack it to in a moment’s notice was pretty goddamn convenient. Too many tube sites out there have less than a thousand videos on their site, leaving you with just a few videos that you want to masturbate to, resulting in you probably never visiting that site again. But with Gimme Porn providing you with nearly 3000 videos – with new videos going live occasionally – you will have plenty of videos to get off to when you want to get in and get out.

That is what Gimme Porn is all about! When you want a tube site to just give you some fucking porn and nothing more, then this is right where you fucking want to be. You are going to love everything about what you can fucking find on this unique tube site, especially if you are the kind of fucker that does not want your porn to be too crazy. In other words, if you don’t want to run into any shit-focused pornography, Gimme Porn is right where you want to be!

Helpful listings

It is one thing to have so much pornography waiting for you to jerk off to on Gimme Porn. But it is an entirely different thing to see all kinds of goddamn listings that are available for your ass to get off to. What you will fucking find once you look at the various listings that are available on Gimme Porn is that Gimme Porn makes it convenient as fuck to find the kinds of videos that you want to get off to.

Once you look at the library of videos that await you on Gimme Porn, you will find that there is information in each listing, such as the title, brand of the video, the date added, number of views, and a thumbnail. All of this information makes it so fucking easy to actually find the kind of videos that you want to watch. Though, the amount of information could be better.

What makes me so fucking sure about that? Because whenever you look at each video listing, what you find is that the listing lacks the duration. If you are like me (and I assume you are in some way since you are reading my wise advice on ThePornDude), you probably want to have the luxury of finding videos that are of a certain length of time.

In other words, you want to be certain that you are not watching a video that is under a minute. It takes you longer than that to get hard, so you need a minute. There is no shame in that!

But this is not possible. Fortunately, Gimme Porn features full-length, premium porn so you are not saddled with teaser clips like some other tube sites. But either way, you still want to know how long the content actually is on Gimme Porn, whether it is 30-minutes or over an hour.

Too many pop-ups

Gimme Porn does not have an issue with having more than enough pornography that is full-length. If you want to watch the full versions of some of your favorite AAA porn brands all in one place, Gimme Porn makes that happen. But the issue stems from actually watching the content in the first place. Like many tube sites out there, what you will notice when you start trying to watch the content on Gimme Porn is that too many pop-ups appear when you try to watch anything.

I had to click the ‘play’ button about three times before anything would play. Two pop-ups and a new tab opened during my review, though your mileage may vary. The pop-ups also try to be sneaky, too. For example, the last pop-up that appeared was a small window in the bottom corner of my screen.

It was fucking irritating to say the very least. I have no goddamn idea why that fucking happened, and it was a real pain in the behind to close all of it. It irritated me so badly, I’m still talking like an old man that’s trying to censor their bad language in front of their church friends.

I will say that even though Gimme Porn uses a file hosting service to host all of their content, it just fucking works. You never have to pay for extra bandwidth to stream anything. Not only that, but the content also looks fucking kick ass as hell. You won’t be getting any low resolution abortions like you may find on other tube sites. Rather, what you will find on Gimme Porn are high quality, HD videos that look like the content from the original site. If you stacked them up side-by-side – from the source site and Gimme Porn – I doubt most people would be able to tell the fucking difference.

So see what kind of content that you can find on Gimme Porn to give you an idea regarding what is available on this fucking site. I think that you are going to be impressed by all of the content that you find, so see for yourself mother fucker! Pay a visit and find all of the awesome content that is available for your viewing pleasure on Gimme Porn!

Decent categories

If you are on the fence about visiting Gimme Porn due to the pop-ups, get over that shit! It sucks but it shouldn’t ruin you from having a good time. One way that Gimme Porn makes it even easier to find the kind of videos you want to watch is via the categories section.

Whenever you click on a category on Gimme Porn, you will find categories like blowjob only (for those that only want sloppy head and nothing else), group sex, kitchen, Latina, busty, facial, threesome, teen, and more. It goes a long fucking way toward making it simple as fuck to find the kind of videos that you truly want to watch.

When you consider that there are also various brands represented like GirlCum, Jules Jordan, Family Hookups, Sex Art, Nubiles, and more, it goes to show you that there are more than enough reasons to visit Gimme Porn for the convenience alone. See what all that you can find by checking out the categories and channels that are represented on Gimme Porn, and see what all that you have been missing all this time mother fucker!


Gimme Porn makes it easy as fuck to watch all of the full-length pornography that is available for you to jerk off to with ease. You will find over 2700 videos here, with various new videos going live on the regular. One thing that needs to be drastically improved is the bombardment of pop-ups when you try to watch content. It sucks ass, and needs to drastically be reduced in order to make it easier to watch the kind of videos that horny viewers like you want to get off to!